1. Buy a beautiful house with A that we can call our own. This will involve some serious saving of cash for the first half of 2011, lots of bravery (you owe the bank how much??) and compromise - A wants to live in a house out in the 'burbs that has lots of room for his cars, while I want to be as close to the city as possible to shorten my commute to work - or at least be close to a train station. We'll get there.
2. SAVE MONEY for said house (and furniture, whitegoods, homewares etc!)
3. Be the best lawyer I can be and provide the best possible service to my clients.
4. Exercise. I'm not going to write "exercise more" because I rarely manage to find the time for exercise in my working life. This needs to change.
5. Look after myself - eat better, sleep more.
What are your goals for 2011?
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